Elephants Custom Furniture is a family owned custom woodworking shop
,we fabricate custom furniture and architectural millwork; we strike to provide high quality product with a superior customer services and care.
Commercial Projects
For the past few years we have played a key role with the developers and general contractors; in order to achieve the desired look in a cost effective way we use our skills to help value engineer the process and project, time is of essence; Our fabrication time is within reason depending on scale, and if there are any changes due to field conditions or something gets damage we are able to turn around pieces in few days. Being local plays a big factor when buildings need to get done.
Residential Partnerships
For over 8 years Elephants Custom Furniture has been partnering with architects, interior designers, general contractors & home-owners on luxury residential architectural millwork projects. Ranging from traditional, transitional, modern or contemporary, Elephants offers you a team of professionals craftsmen who are fully committed to the success of your project. Every piece we produce is fully crafted with care and attention to detail by our team members; Elephants gives you a highly crafted, made to order product that is adaptable to your taste, your space and your life.